There’s a reason why I don’t make a policy of giving tribute before talking. As much as I’m into making money, I also respect when you take the time and effort to get to know me by checking out my website and timeline. It shows you’re putting in the effort and eager to understand before diving into the scene. Eager to learn about BDSM and about me, your soon-to-be mistress.
So, I really can’t stand it when people come to me, asking something I’ve already written about, having the audacity to demand a scene and chat with me without taking the time to read my website as proof that they’re worthy of my attention.
And why don’t I make my website simpler? Just lay out the step-by-step process for scenes? Easier, right? Because it’s not supposed to be that easy, dumb ass! I want you to prove your worth. Can you actually read, comprehend what you’re reading, communicate effectively, understand my character and personality before a scene, and grasp the basics of BDSM beforehand? If not then u are not worthy in the first place, and I dont have to spend my precious time to you.
Bahasa Indonesia
Ada alasan kenapa gue ga bikin aturan tribute sebelum ngobrol. Gue memang doyan duit, tapi gue juga menghargai waktu dan usaha lo yang udah habisin buat kenal gue dari website dan timeline gue. Ini nunjukin lo serius dan mau ngerti sebelum terjun ke scene. Mau belajar soal BDSM dan tentang gue, calon mistress lo.
Jadi, gue bete banget, kalau orang dateng ke gue, nanya sesuatu yang udah gue tulis, berani minta scene, dan ngobrol sama gue tanpa baca website gue dulu buat nunjukin kalo lo pantas gue ladenin.
Trus kenapa gue ga bikin website gue lebih simpel? Langsung aja kasih langkah-langkah tata cara scene biar gampang? Karena emang bukan biar terlalu gampang, tolol! Gue pengen lo buktiin keberhargaan lo. Bisa beneran baca ga, ngerti yang lo baca ga, komunikatif ga, paham karakter dan personality gue sebelum scene, serta dasar-dasar BDSM sebelum scene? Kalau enggak berarti emang ga layak buat scene!